Promote SIY Within Your Organization
Welcome! We’re so excited that you’re bringing a Search Inside Yourself (SIY) program to your organization.
Your company is as unique as the members that make up your workforce. With that in mind, we’ve gathered some options for promoting SIY programs within your organization. Choose the tone and components that suit your communication style and organization best, and customize the language as needed.

Suggested Promotional Schedule
We suggest you start promoting your SIY program 12 weeks before the program. Don't worry if you're already past that date; you can adjust this schedule according to your needs. To download the promotional schedule, right-click, save, and keep it on your desktop to stay on track!

Planning steps before promoting:
- Select versions of Emails #1, #2, and #3 that will be most impactful for your audience.
- Customize the templates as needed and save to send later
- {optional} Identify other channels for program announcement and promotion.
(1) Slack, Yammer, or another IM platform
(2) a company or department newsletter,
(3) a virtual or in-person announcement board
(4) A few minutes at a company, department, or affinity group meeting.
Email Templates
Copy, Customize + Send
Perhaps the simplest way to get the word out about the SIY program is by sending a series of emails to your target audience. The email sequence should guide the readers in their learning about what SIY is and what real-life benefits they can expect from joining the program.
Below you'll find a suggested 3-part email campaign. For each of the three emails, there are multiple options so you can choose the tone that's most appropriate to your voice and company.
Copy and paste the text, add information where you see < >, customize how you'd like, and send away!
Email #1: Announce the program
Option A [short]
Dear colleagues,
If the last few years have taught us nothing else, we’ve learned the importance of resilience. No doubt, there have been times when you’ve felt disconnected from your teammates, uncertain of your purpose or simply burned out. Through the highs and lows, thoughtful leaders and compassionate colleagues have helped me develop myself both professionally and personally.
That’s why I’m excited to invite you to a training that combines the tools of neuroscience, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence. This skill set accounts for almost 90% of what sets high-performers apart from their peers. Originally developed at Google, the Search Inside Yourself program proves that emotional intelligence is a trainable skill that we can all incorporate into our teams to make work more pleasant, purposeful, and productive. You’ll walk away with tangible tools you can use right away to develop yourself as a leader and improve your work and your life overall.
<Optional, for skeptics> I realize that these topics can sound vague and perhaps soft. You’re busy and want to ensure ROI for your time. Check out the attached images to see concrete examples of business benefits that you can gain with the skills you’ll learn at SIY as well as a chart to address common concerns.
The details:
Want to join us? <STEPS TO SIGN UP>
Questions? Learn more here <{if an internal page is available}>, or please reply to this message–I’m happy to help.
Option B [formal]
Dear colleagues,
I’m happy to announce that we are bringing a world-renowned mindfulness-based leadership training program called Search Inside Yourself on <DATE/TIME> at <LOCATION>. The program originated at Google and because of its popularity and success has since been adapted to apply to many different professional industries, including <OUR INDUSTRY>. The curriculum combines evidenced-based mindfulness and emotional intelligence skills with the latest research in neuroscience.
What you’ll experience:
- Practical ways to develop essential leadership skills
- Highly interactive and thought-provoking exercises to personalize the concepts.
- Simple exercises that can be immediately applied to your work
- A chance to connect with colleagues from all over the company.
You’ll walk away with tangible skills to:
- Reduce stress and experience greater overall well-being.
- Strengthen self-awareness for increased confidence, clarity, and decisiveness.
- Cultivate self-management to support motivation, productivity, and effective collaboration.
- Build resilience to thrive in the face of challenges.
- Develop empathy and communicate more effectively.
- Increase focus and attention.
If you would like to join, <STEPS TO SIGN UP.>
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.
My best,
Option C [personalized]
Dear colleagues:
I’m writing to invite you to a mindfulness-based leadership training called Search Inside Yourself (SIY) on <DATE/TIME>.
The program originated at Google and combines evidenced-based mindfulness and emotional intelligence skills with neuroscience. I first learned about the program <How did you learn of the program? What drew you to it?>
<optional if you have taken the program> This training has helped me to <What practical skills have you learned? What are some of your biggest takeaways?>
I believe the training is relevant for our company because <Why is this important to your organization at this point in time?>
I hope you’ll join me for this special opportunity. <STEPS TO SIGN UP>
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Option D [creative]
Dear colleagues:
If the last few years have taught us nothing else, we’ve learned the value of thoughtful colleagues and skilled leaders.
Humor me for a moment—call to mind someone who has supported you at work over the past few years. What does this person do to make you feel valued? How does this person communicate? How has this person changed the way you feel about your work or even your purpose?
What if we could all learn to have the emotionally-intelligent leadership skills of this person? How would the day-to-day experience of our workplace transform?
This new world of work presents us with an opportunity to be the leaders we admire. We have a chance to infuse our work with emotional intelligence to bring more purpose to our days and more skill to our output.
That’s why I’m inviting you to a Search Inside Yourself (SIY) training at <COMPANY> on <DATE/TIME>.
Originally developed at Google, the SIY program combines the tools of neuroscience, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence to help you develop essential leadership skills. You’ll walk away with tangible tools you can use right away to improve your work and your life overall.
Want to join us? <STEPS TO SIGN UP>
Questions? Please reply to this message–I’m happy to help.
My best,
Email #2: Share a testimonial
Option A [longer]
Dear colleagues:
Just dropping into your inbox with a friendly reminder that you’re invited to the Search Inside Yourself (SIY) training session on <DATE/TIME> at <LOCATION>.
Through the SIY program, you’ll learn practical strategies to train your attention, skillfully navigate challenges at work, strengthen motivation, build resilience, communicate more effectively and more. All of these skills will support you in becoming a more impactful leader.
This is also a great chance to engage with colleagues! The sessions are highly interactive, including experiential exercises, dyads, group conversations, attention-training practices, and writing activities.
Curious about participants’ experience of SIY? Check out the <attached testimonials.> These positive reviews are not outliers: In fact, 97 percent of past participants surveyed would recommend the program.
If you’re interested in signing up, please <STEPS TO SIGN UP>.
Warm regards,
option B [formal]
Dear colleagues:
I wanted to send a quick reminder that you’re invited to the Search Inside Yourself (SIY) training session on <DATE/TIME> at <LOCATION>.
Through the SIY program, you’ll learn practical, mindfulness-based strategies to train your attention, skillfully navigate challenges at work, strengthen motivation, build resilience, communicate more effectively, and more—all key skills to becoming a more impactful leader.
The program is evidence-based and favorable among attendees—97 percent of past participants surveyed would recommend the program. To learn more, check out the <attached testimonials.>
If you’re interested in signing up, please <STEPS TO SIGN UP>.
My best,
Email #3: Final reminder
Option A [short]
Dear colleagues:
A quick message to remind you that the Search Inside Yourself program on <DATE/TIME> is coming up really soon.
There are a few spots left for anyone still interested in joining!
Please reach out with any questions.
My best,
Option B [formal]
Dear colleagues:
I wanted to send one last reminder that we're offering the Search Inside Yourself (SIY) training on <DATE/TIME>.
We have a few spots left–so sign up now if you’d like to join us! Below I’ll highlight some key aspects of the training.
What you’ll experience:
- Practical ways to develop essential leadership skills
- Highly interactive and thought-provoking exercises to personalize the concepts.
- Simple exercises that can be immediately applied to your work
- A chance to connect with colleagues from all over the company.
You’ll walk away with tangible skills to:
- Reduce stress and experience greater overall well-being.
- Strengthen self-awareness for increased confidence, clarity, and decisiveness.
- Cultivate self-management to support motivation, productivity, and effective collaboration.
- Build resilience to thrive in the face of challenges.
- Develop empathy and communicate more effectively.
- Increase focus and attention.
Let me know if you have any questions or <SIGN UP STEPS>.
My best,
Optional: "Convince Your Boss" template
The below email is one you can share if a potential attendee wants support sharing the importance and benefits of this training attending to their supervisor in order to gain approval.
With all the busyness of the average workday, taking some time away from your desk to attend the SIY training might feel challenging. We know that the program will enhance your work and team, but sometimes those less familiar with the training might need concrete examples of how.
I'm including an email template below to help you approach your supervisor and describe the long-term benefits of attending SIY.
Copy, paste, and customize as you'd like!
Dear <supervisor name>:
One of my most important goals this year is to <one of your yearly objectives or key results>. In thinking about how to upskill in order to meet my objectives, I came across the Search Inside Yourself (SIY) program, which <name of trainer or division> is running on <date of training>.
The SIY program originated at Google and takes an evidence-based approach, combining neuroscience, attention training, and emotional intelligence.
Companies like SAP, Ford, 3M, and Deloitte have run SIY programs to build more resilient, focused workforces. In fact, in a survey of nearly 11,000 participants of the program throughout 20 countries, 97 percent would recommend SIY.
In this training, I’m looking forward to cultivating practical skills that can truly benefit us as a team. In particular, I intend to increase my ability to:
< choose 2-3 skills that best apply to your role or create your own:
- Skillfully focus, even with multiple competing priorities.
- Listen more effectively to diverse perspectives, fostering inclusion and innovation.
- Manage stress in a way that improves resilience and performance.
- Use challenging situations as catalysts for positive change.
- Set aspirational goals (in line with our team’s objectives) and reach them.
- Learn how to build sustainable motivation and engagement to improve overall performance.
- Find creative solutions to complex problems through increased focus and keen listening skills.
- Build trust which leads to positive collaboration and productivity on cross-functional teams.
- Bring out the strengths and individual skills in others through skillful communication.
- Skillfully navigate challenging conversations leading to stronger team connections.
- Manage conflict with skill and courage, fostering psychological safety, which is the number one predictor of team success. >
All that said, with your support, I’d love to take <number of days of program> days away from my usual routine to attend the program on <date of program>.
Let me know what you think, and of course I’m happy to discuss further and answer any questions or concerns you might have.
My best,