[Webinar Video] Scaling SIY with Deutsche Telekom
![[Webinar Video] Scaling SIY with Deutsche Telekom](https://23490468.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hub/23490468/hubfs/Scaling%20SIY%20DT%202-opt.jpg?width=200&name=Scaling%20SIY%20DT%202-opt.jpg)
Watch the recording of a conversation with Tatjana Wittig, Lead for emotional intelligence skill development within IHUB (innovation hub @Deutsche Telekom) to learn how her team is delivering a large-scale implementation of SIY Global mindfulness and emotional intelligence programming to Deutsche Telekom.
your speaker
Tatjana Wittig
Growing up in Siberia - in the so-called Silicon Taiga, in a small city full of engineers and scientists, my life was full of math and physics. And nature. My life vision was to become either a scientist or an engineer. As I turned 15 my parents decided to move to Germany. For some years my life was full of frustration. After finishing school, I went into the engineering - a field where I was super confident to be good at. After university I started a career as an engineer in a tech company. And I also followed my dream to become mother. Mother of 4 beautiful kids. Juggling kids, work, myself have at times been challenging. 8 years ago my career moved to leadership positions in tech innovation area. More and more I realized that there is much in our lives and leadership than just an IQ. A friend took me to a meditation retreat where I could - for a moment become my own observer. It is now about 14 years ago. A new journey began. I started to read books, attending retreats and workshops around emotional intelligence and mindfulness. And practice more and more mindfulness. For years mindfulness was something private to me. Becoming SIY teacher I found the language to talk about mindfulness and emotional intelligence and open this door for others. I teach SIY at Deutsche Telekom and other companies. Gesa Hauser und myself have been first 2 SIY teachers at Deutsche Telekom for years and have managed to globally roll out SIY in 2022 and it's now available to all employees.