28-Day Challenge Week 3:
Looking Outward

Congratulations, you're halfway through the 28-Day Challenge!  Keep up the good work!

Below are the dedicated and integrated practices for each day, plus your questions to reflect on. And, as usual, please enjoy the video on the theme for this week: Looking Outward.

Week 3 - Day 15

Dedicated Practice: Open Awareness

Integrated Practice: Practice open awareness today by allowing yourself to notice details around you that you may not normally pay attention to (e.g. the color of other cars on the road, smells in the air, sounds in your office, other people’s body language, etc.).  If it helps to pick a specific time to do this, try something like when walking from your vehicle to your office or home, or perhaps while running an errand today. 

Reflection Question:
How does this impact how you engage in your day?

Week 3 - Day 16

Dedicated Practice: Loving Kindness

Integrated Practice: Practice loving kindness at work, or with friends/family.  Prior to a work meeting or a conversation with friends/family, take a silent moment to wish happiness for those with whom you will be engaging.

Reflection Question:
What do you notice with regard to your mood or behavior as a result from this practice?

Week 3 - Day 17

Dedicated Practice: Gratitude

Integrated Practice: Write for 2 full minutes for each journaling prompt below.  Once you’ve finished, take a minute to reread what you wrote and reflect.

Journaling Prompts:
1). Things that I’m most grateful for in my life are …
2) Areas of my life where I’d like to cultivate more gratitude are …

Week 3 - Day 18

Dedicated Practice: Just Like Me

Integrated Practice: Think of someone whom you'll meet today or think of the next person you expect to see today.  Take a moment to silently consider how that person is just like you.  For example, you may say to yourself, “This person wants to be loved, just like me,” or, “This person wants to do a good job, just like me.”

Reflection Question: In what ways does this affect your perceptions of or experience with this person?

Week 3 - Day 19

Dedicated Practice: Focused Attention

Integrated Practice: Practice generous listening with someone today.  When in a conversation, place all of your attention on the other person; listen with your ears and heart.  

Reflection Questions: 
How does that shift the experience of the conversation for you?  
How do you think that experience was for them?

Week 3 - Day 20

Dedicated Practice: Walking Meditation

Integrated Practice:  Find your feet. While in a meeting or giving a presentation (or just in a conversation with someone today), rest some attention on the sensations of the feet making contact with the ground to bring the mind and body back together and recenter.

Reflection Question: How did shifting your attention to finding your feet impact your attention, energy, or focus?

Week 3 - Day 21

Dedicated Practice: Compassion

Integrated Practice: Write for 2 full minutes for each journaling prompt below.  Once you’ve finished, take a minute to reread what you wrote and reflect.

Journaling Prompts:
1. What I’ve noticed during this practice period is …
2. The kind of mindset or attitude I hope to cultivate is …

Buddy Reminder:


Have you checked in with your buddy this week? If not, why not reach out now?!