strategic teaming

Senior leaders: accelerate and improve innovation and complex problem-solving on your teams with a culture of psychological safety.

Executives working together

Senior leaders bear significant responsibility and pressure in today’s demanding business climate. They must make critical decisions, minimize risk, and ensure successful implementation of crucial initiatives. At the heart of managing these responsibilities successfully is the ability to cultivate collaborative teams where innovative solutions are developed and roadblocks are identified and addressed early.

As a senior leader, you might be wondering:

  • How can I operationalize the research around psychological safety, emotional intelligence, and leadership trust in order to reach key business objectives? 
  • How can I manage team members with diverse perspectives in a way that leads to collaboration and innovation?
  • What strategies from emotional intelligence research will help me build trust with my employees?

Strategic Teaming takes a science-based approach to help you answer these questions. In the 3.5-hour training session, you'll learn practical tools to establish a foundation of trust and safety where innovation can thrive. Our program gives you the strategies to create adaptable, creative, and resilient teams ready for what's next.

Bring Strategic Teaming to Your Organization

"Uncertainty and interdependence are attributes of most work today. And, therefore, without an ability to be candid, to ask for help, to share mistakes, we won’t get things done."

--Amy Edmondson, Harvard Business School

practical benefits for your team

Team trust drawing

Accelerate innovation with a culture of psychological safety

Collaboration and engagement

Enhance team collaboration and performance


Increase the level of trust employees have in your leadership decisions

Lightbulb drawing

Improve your team's ability to effectively tackle complex problems


what is psychological safety?

"Team psychological safety is a shared belief held by members of a team that it’s OK to take risks, to express their ideas and concerns, to speak up with questions, and to admit mistakes — all without fear of negative consequences." 

---Harvard Business Review



why focus on psychological safety?

When it comes to optimal team performance, who is on the team matters less than how the team works together—behavioral science, neuroscience and corporate research support this current understanding of teaming. 

Based on this research, Strategic Teaming cultivates the necessary skills to optimize how your team works together. Specifically, individuals and teams work best in an environment where they feel:

  • More included
  • Safe when learning something new
  • Comfortable making contributions
  • Encouraged to challenge the status quo

Discover what Google found on its quest to build the perfect team.

teams with high psychological safety demonstrate

57 %

more collaboration

50 %

more productivity

74 %

less stress

You'll learn about the four components of improving team dynamics:

BITS framework
  • Belonging: The ability for team members to actively cultivate social and work connections between one another.
  • Inclusion: A set of behaviors that enables each team member to feel valued and supported by others on the team and the team leader(s).
  • Trust: The extent to which team members model reliability, credibility, and connection with one another. 
  • Psychological Safety: The belief among team members that interpersonal risk-taking and challenging the status quo is safe, acceptable, and even encouraged.

Teaming skills translate into business results

56 %

increase in employee job performance

35 %

improvement in financial results

50 %

more employee productivity

57 %

more collaboration

Sources: (1) Employee belonging was linked to increased performance [Harvard Business Review, 2019]. (2) Workplaces with more inclusion show better financial performance [McKinsey, 2020]. (3) People at high-trust companies report higher productivity than at low-trust companies [Harvard Business Review, 2017]. (4) Companies that show high psychological safety demonstrate an increase in collaboration [Accenture, 2021].

program structure




3.5 hours

# of learners

25 maximum


In-person live

Virtual classroom

Leadership resources from our blog

bring strategic teaming to your company

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